About Us

Get to know the team and guest trainers behind Claiming Each Other’s Somatic First-Aid training.

Meet the Team

Claiming Each Other is a small core team of two: Lorie, the founder of CEO & Kaylee, the Project Doula. But we are not alone. We are supported by and work with many people, beings, ancestors, plants and lands that we are in mutual love and care with.

We also invite Guest Trainers to every training from our larger Claiming Each Other ecology and beyond in order to make the learning experience more diverse, relevant, dynamic, accessible and interesting!

  • Founder

    I am many things.

    I am bold and sensitive. Reverent and no-nonsense. Dedicated and humble. Deep and comical. Knowing and not knowing. Stouthearted and alive.

    When you work with me, you are also working with my ancestors, with the elements and with Spirit. As an Afro-Caribbean-Lipan Apache-Chicana-Americana woman, the soul of my lifework is inseparable from the lineages I was born and initiated into… and the intimate interconnectivity of life. 

    I honor you as I honor all life. As kin.

    I am humbled by my role as witness and guide on this journey of collective embodiment. My intention is to contribute towards positive and creative responses to the personal, social, environmental and spiritual needs found within our communities.

    I offer my blessings, respect and solidarity to all beings who find themselves in seasons of life which call for grace, empathy, mercy & courage. May the mysteries of your innate resiliency keep and hold you in your being and becoming. And may you share your gifts well with the world.

    And if you need my CV, you can find it here.

  • Project Doula

    What enlivens you in this life?

    Nature. Animals. Dogs, butterflies and I would love to meet horses.

    Eating good food harvested from our own garden.

    Love. For my partner, my dog and (chosen) family. 

    Authentic connection. The hidden magic in the real and raw moments of life. 

    Being asked for guidance or advice when people are struggling. 

    What has somatics inspired from within you?


    Why did you want to work with Lorie?

    She inspires me deeply, simply by being in her presence and getting to know her way of being. As well with her words and her way of thinking.

    Lorie mirrors to me a personal truth I never had words for, nor the courage to explore and find them. 

    I learn so much on a personal level from the topics she works with. Helping her birth her projects with my talents gives me a great sense of fulfillment and joy.

    Why do you believe in Claiming Each Other?

    Initially because I believed in Lorie. Now I understand what claiming means. Learning that has touched me deeply because I understood that being claimed was what I desired when life was tough for me. When I imagine what the world would look like if we all knew how to claim and be claimed… I have no words but as an early Gen Z’er I use emojis to help me out: 🤯🚨🌍❤️‍🩹🌈🌟🥰

    What is your favorite thing about your mindbody?

    My Wise Womb.

“I was by myself but not alone. It wouldn’t be true to say it was an unassisted birth although no human was visibly present…”

— Lorie Solis on the birthing of Claiming Each Other

Guest Trainers

  • Wambui Njuguna

    Slow healing through trauma informed yoga

  • Emily Royce

    Healing with pleasure, letting curiosity lead

  • Dr. Yulin Sun

    Educational psychology, somatic trauma therapy, family constellations

Become a Guest Trainer

Your story matters and we value your lived experience.

We welcome guest trainers who work in diverse fields of care who want to share with trainees what they have learned in times of complexity, struggle, conflict or trauma. To learn more about joining one of our training cohorts, please read the Invitation Letter below.